Seminar on Religious Heritage held at the Sagrada Família - Seminar on Religious Heritage held at the Sagrada Família
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Yesterday, the cloister of Our Lady of Mercy at the Sagrada Família hosted the 34th session of the Seminari Intern de Patrimoni Sacre (Internal Seminar on Religious Heritage) of Fundació Joan Maragall.
Mr Esteve Camps, Executive Chairman of the Junta Constructora de la Sagrada Família, welcomed the audience and then introduced Dr Margarida Bofarull, Faith and Culture delegate of the Archdiocese of Barcelona.
The event presented an article titled “Los espacios de culto como experiencia educativa. La Basílica de la Sagrada Familia como ejemplo paradigmático”, written by Anna de Monserrat, Anna Eva Jarabo, Àngel-Jesús Navarro, Francesc Xavier Marín and Eloi Aran, the FPCEE Blanquerna research team. Then Ms Marta Otzet, director of Culture and Social/Educational Actions, presented the Sagrada Família’s educational project.
This session was organised by the Diocesan Delegation of Faith and Culture with collaboration from the Blanquerna (URL) School of Psychology, Education and Sport Science, the Christian School Foundation of Catalonia and the Sagrada Família.