Canonical Association for the Beatification of Antoni Gaudí established
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Working towards the beatification of Antoni Gaudí, Cardinal Joan Josep Omella i Omella has established the Canonical Association that will take over from the secular association for the beatification of Antoni Gaudí.
The positio, or key argument, for Gaudí’s beatification has been submitted to the Dicastery for the Causes of Saints. This dicastery, according to established procedure, oversees anything related to cases for beatification and canonisation.
Members of the Canonical Association for the Beatification of Antoni Gaudí
– Card. Joan Josep Omella i Omella
– Mons. Josep M. Turull
– Mons. Armand Puig
– Mr Àlex Seoane
– Mr Antoni Soler
– Mr José Manuel Almuzara Pérez
– Ms Rosa Ribas