Travelling exhibition on Gaudí and the Sagrada Família, now in Burgos
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After being at the Alma Mater Museum (Zaragoza), Gaudí’s Palace (Astorga) and the Major Seminary of Santiago de Compostela (Galicia), the travelling exhibition on the Basilica has now moved to the Burgos Cathedral. The exhibition title is “Gaudí and the Sagrada Família at the Burgos Cathedral. An inside experience” and it was inaugurated yesterday in this city in Castile and León.
The inauguration featured Cardinal Joan Josep Omella i Omella, Archbishop of Barcelona, and a delegation from the Fundació Junta Constructora, led by Executive Chairman Esteve Camps. Also in attendance were General Manager of Fundación Caja de Burgos Rafael Barbero and Institutions Manager of CaixaBank in Castile and León and Asturias Alberto Navarro.
The exhibition will be in Burgos through 2 June. So far, 30,000 people have had a chance to see the exhibition “Gaudí and the Sagrada Família. An inside experience”, which gives visitors a visual, attractive experience of the temple and its genius architect. It allows them to tour the Basilica, highlighting the architect’s symbolism and sources of inspiration, and gives a general overview of Gaudí’s work and the importance of his contributions to the world of architecture.