Presentation of 2020 Catalonia Sacra cultural agenda at the Basilica
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This morning, the cloister of Our Lady of Mercy at the Basilica of the Sagrada Família in Barcelona hosted the presentation of the 2020 Catalonia Sacra cultural agenda of activities. This cultural programming aims to highlight religious heritage and its diversity. This year, it features more than thirty activities proposed by the ten dioceses based in Catalonia, which will be held from March to November in the 21 counties of Catalonia, including guided tours, routes in churches and conferences on masterpieces. One of the activities is a visit to the sacristy of the Sagrada Família, scheduled for this June.
The presentation of the agenda was led by Mons. Francesc Pardo, bishop of Girona and president of Catalonia Sacra, and Executive Chairman of the Junta Constructora del Temple Expiatori de la Sagrada Família Esteve Camps welcomed all the participants.
The agenda presentation concluded with a visit to the Sagrada Família choirs led by Temple architect Narcís Laguarda. This space is used by the choirs that accompany mass and isn’t normally open to the public.