Asset Publisher

Sagrada Família hosts performance of Mozart’s ‘Requiem’ with Liceu

The event took place on Monday 17 February

Sagrada Família welcomes several members of Parliament of Catalonia

They visited the Basilica on Saturday 15 February

Sagrada Família to kick off events commemorating hundredth anniversary of Antoni Gaudí’s death in October 2025

The news was announced at the presentation of the 2024 annual report

Manos Unidas celebrates 65 years with mass at Sagrada Família

The mass was led by Cardinal Joan Josep Omella i Omella, Archbishop of Barcelona

Sagrada Família opens its doors for Santa Eulàlia

Thousands of people got to visit the Basilica for free

Winners of tickets to Santa Eulàlia Open Doors Days announced

The draw was held to give out 8,500 tickets