Choose your option
Individual Up to 9 people Coming to visit the Basilica with friends or family in a group of fewer than 10 people? Choose the path that suits you best and explore the Basilica. Coming to visit the Basilica with friends or family in a group of fewer than 10 people? Choose the path that suits you best and explore the Basilica.
Groups Up to 30 people If you have a group of up to 30 people, we make things easier for you during your visit. Special entrance, audio equipment to follow the tour better, a special route for groups, etc. You'll have an official guide with you to explain all the secrets of the Basilica. This visit is also perfect for university groups or companies not in the tourism sector. If you have a group of up to 30 people, we make things easier for you during your visit. Special entrance, audio equipment to follow the tour better, a special route for groups, etc. You'll have an official guide with you to explain all the secrets of the Basilica. This visit is also perfect for university groups or companies not in the tourism sector.
Schools Educational tour For students of any level, through baccalaureate, we offer special visits led by guides who specialise in school groups. For students of any level, through baccalaureate, we offer special visits led by guides who specialise in school groups.

Títol Caiguda Clorian

The Basilica of the Sagrada Família is temporarily closed to the public

Parrafo 1 Caiguda Clorian

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You can continue enjoying the experience from home with our virtual tours:

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Listado iconos Caiguda Clorian

Parrafo 2 - Caiguda clorian

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Listado iconos Caiguda Clorian 2
