Sagrada Família hosted Ecumenical Celebration in Time of Creation - Sagrada Família hosted Ecumenical Celebration in Time of Creation
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On 3 October at 6:00 pm, the ecumenical celebration in the Time of Creation was held in the Basilica of the Sagrada Família.
The slogan for the celebration was “A home for all? Renewing the Oikos of God”, and it was attended by Cardinal Joan Josep Omella i Omella.
From the Archdiocese of Barcelona, the Diocese of Sant Feliu, the Diocese of Terrassa and the Laudato Si’ Network, which is made up of a number of Catholic entities, together with numerous churches and Evangelical and Orthodox Christian communities, you were cordially invited to celebrate with us. The event was part of the “Time of Creation” which is held annually between 1 and 4 October all around the world.