Jesuit school principals visit Sagrada Família - Jesuit school principals visit Sagrada Família
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This Thursday, 20 July, the Sagrada Família welcomed representatives from Jesuit schools. After a guided tour, Ms Marta Otzet, director of Culture and Social/Educational Actions, presented the Sagrada Família’s educational project and the changes they are preparing for the upcoming academic year.
Sagrada Família educational offering continues to expand
This academic year, growth in school visits remained steady, having fully recovered from the pause during the pandemic. The Sagrada Família welcomed 118,698 students on 4,643 educational tours, most of which were secondary students. While 24,879 of the students who visited were from Catalonia, there were also international students from France, the United States, Italy, the United Kingdom and Germany.
Since 2013, the Temple has offered this educational programme to promote the values the Basilica represents and raise awareness of Antoni Gaudí and his work. During the academic year, the programme works with teachers, schools and cultural institutions to develop projects related to art and technology, and invites them to take part in activities related to the Basilica, such as the contest for schools in Catalonia about the towers of the Evangelists. More information on the Sagrada Família educational project is available here.