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angle-left 2026, year commemorating Antoni Gaudí

The Council for the Promotion and Dissemination of the Work of Gaudí (Gaudí Council), an advisory body to the Catalan Ministry of Culture, has agreed it is appropriate to promote Gaudí Year 2026. This celebration aims to make the public more aware of the works of one of the most universal Catalan architects. To do so, there will be a dual commission led by Núria Poch, director of the consortium that manages Nau Gaudí in Mataró, and Galdric Santana, current Gaudí chair.

The Sagrada Família is a member of this body, which strives to ensure the conservation, study and recognition of Gaudí’s works. The council members include the heads of Gaudí’s various buildings in Catalonia, both publicly and privately owned, renowned experts on the architect’s work, and representatives of various organisations, institutions and public administrations.

In addition to the Temple of the Sagrada Família, the other council members are the crypt at Colònia Güell, Casa Batlló, Casa Vicens, Palau Güell, Park Güell, Casa Calvet, Convent School of the Order of Saint Teresa, the pavilions of the Güell Estate, Bellesguard villa, the entrance gateway and wall of the Miralles Estate, Nau Gaudí in Mataró, Casa Milà and the First Glorious Mystery of the Monumental Rosary of Montserrat.