Sagrada Família congratulates Mons. David Abadías on appointment as new Auxiliary Bishop of Barcelona - Sagrada Família congratulates Mons. David Abadías on appointment as new Auxiliary Bishop of Barcelona
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Sagrada Família congratulates Mons. David Abadías on appointment as new Auxiliary Bishop of Barcelona
His Episcopal ordination will be held on 25 March at the Basilica of the Sagrada Família in Barcelona
The Junta Constructora de la Sagrada Família would like to congratulate Mons. David Abadías on his appointment as the new Auxiliary Bishop of Barcelona.
Dr David Abadías i Aurín was born in Barcelona on 31 July 1973.
The bishop-elect was ordained on 13 December 1998. His priestly ministry has been in the Diocese of Terrassa. He is currently archpriest of Mollet del Vallès (Diocese of Terrassa) and rector of the parish of Sant Vicenç (Mollet del Vallès, Diocese of Terrassa).
His Episcopal ordination will be held on 25 March at 11 h am the Basilica of the Sagrada Família in Barcelona