Legal notice

I. Information to comply with article 10 of the Law of Services in the Information and Electronic Trade Society – L34/2002 – (LSSICE)

Owner: Fundació Junta Constructora del Temple Expiatori de la Sagrada Família
Official address: Mallorca, 401. Barcelona 08013
Contact e-mail address:
Register data: Entered in the Ministry of Justice Register of Religious Entities, with number 237-SE/F
Tax Identity Code: G-58302928

Prices of products: Ticket prices are described in the “Tickets” section of the “Organise your visit” menu of the portal. The prices for guided tours are also described in the same section.


II. Personal data collection and processing policy

Through this notice, the Fundació Junta Constructora del Temple Expiatori de la Sagrada Família (hereinafter, Junta Constructora), with official address in Barcelona, Carrer de Mallorca, 401, Tax Identity Number G-58302928 and e-mail address informs the users of the portal about their personal data protection policy so that they can decide of their own free will whether they wish to supply the Junta Constructora with any personal data that may be required or obtained as a consequence of subscribing to or joining any of the channels of the website. This policy regarding the protection of personal data also applies when users choose to send an email to any of the addresses provided on the site, thereby providing the Junta Constructora with their personal details. The Junta Constructora reserves the right to adapt this policy to new legislation. In that event, any changes introduced will be announced as soon as possible.

Some services or channels of the portal may contain specific provisions in terms of personal data protection which, if necessary, will be established in the forms for collecting specific data to warn the user.

Unless otherwise stated, answers to questions about personal data on the forms are voluntary, and the lack of an answer will not have any negative effect on the quality of the services. Nevertheless, in some cases there are data that are necessary for managing the specific service and/or channel. On the forms that collect data, the fields that must be filled in in order to have access to the service or channel in question will be marked with an asterisk.

The data collected through the portal will be processed and stored in an automated file belonging to the Fundació Junta Constructora del Temple Expiatori de la Sagrada Família, with official address in Barcelona, Carrer de Mallorca, 401, Tax Identity Number G-58302928, for the purpose of each form. Moreover, the Junta Constructora may process the data for the purpose of sending information to the person affected about its products and services (guided tours of the church, opening times, activities at the church, shop, etc.). In accordance with applicable regulations, that file is duly entered in the Spanish Data Protection Authority General Data Protection Register.

The supply by the user of his or her personal data implies acceptance of the present personal data protection policy and, specifically, the express and unequivocal consent of the user for the collection and processing of his or her data for the purposes mentioned above. In the cases where the user sends his or her data voluntarily to request a particular item of information, the purpose of the processing will be to deal with the request and send the information required.

If the user freely supplies his or her e-mail address, he or she expressly authorises the Junta Constructora to send the information by e-mail; all in accordance with the provisions of the LSSICE, which forbids the sending of commercial communications by e-mail unless they have been requested or expressly authorised.

In accordance with current regulations, the user may exercise his or her rights of opposition, access, rectification and cancellation of data by writing to the Corporate Services Department, Finance and Administration Area in Barcelona, Carrer de Sicília, 286, baixos (postcode 08013). He or she may also send a message to the address to ask for more information about personal data processing.

Furthermore, and in accordance with Law 34/2002, of 11 July, of services of the information society and electronic trade, the user may at any time revoke the consent given for the receipt of commercial communications by e-mail, by sending a message to the address informacio@ext.sagradafamilia.orgwith the indication “I do not wish to receive commercial communications”.


III. Copyright

The Junta Constructora informs the user that all the elements of this portal are protected by the provisions of intellectual and industrial copyright. For that reason, the text, the design, the images, the tools, the pages, the brands, the trade names, the texts and the logotypes are the property of the Junta Constructora or have been ceded or licensed in favour of the Junta Constructora, and, in consequence, may not be used without the prior written authorisation of the Junta Constructora.


IV. Cookies

The portal uses cookies to make navigation easier for the user. The cookies used by the portal do not record user data, they merely help download images from the portal from the second access.

More information about cookies here.


V. Links

The Junta Constructora must expressly authorise in writing the establishment of links with another portal addressed to the portal

The establishment of a link between the portal and another portal does not mean that the v accepts or approves the contents of the linked portal. However, to comply with current regulations, if the Junta Constructora notices any illegal content, it will suppress the link and notify the relevant authorities.


VI. General conditions for the purchase of tickets

The sale of tickets is managed by the Clorian ( ‘TIQUETEO SPAIN, SL) system. The general conditions for the purchase of tickets can be viewed on its portal before making the payment.


VII. Virtual visit

All elements included in the virtual visit are protected under intellectual and industrial property right law. For this reason, the text, design, images, sound compositions, computer applications, etc., involved in the virtual visit are either property of the Junta Constructora of La Sagrada Família Foundation (Fundació Junta Constructora del Temple Expiatori de la Sagrada Família) or have been ceded or licensed to that body. Consequently, they cannot be used without prior authorisation in writing from the Fundació Junta Constructora de la Sagrada Família. More specifically, users of the virtual visit are prohibited from altering its content, and from the commercialisation, reproduction, distribution and public communication of this content. In no case may users make direct or indirect commercial use of any part of the content of the virtual visit. The Fundació Junta Constructora del Temple Expiatori de la Sagrada Família will take all available legal steps to prosecute any breach of these restrictions on use or intellectual property rights. Users of the virtual visit are permitted to view the content of the application and to download copies onto their own equipment for private use. Content downloaded in this way must not be ceded or transmitted to third parties, nor installed on servers connected to Internet or any other local network that enables third parties to access the visit using means other than the Sagrada Família website application.


VIII. Credits:

Authors of the photographs appearing on website:

© Fundació Junta Constructora del Temple Expiatori de la Sagrada Família/Pep Daudé. All rights reserved on images.
© Fundació Junta Constructora del Temple Expiatori de la Sagrada Família/ Alex Edo. All rights reserved on images.
© Fundació Junta Constructora del Temple Expiatori de la Sagrada Família/ All rights reserved on images.
© Fundació Junta Constructora del Temple Expiatori de la Sagrada Família. All rights reserved on images.