Sagrada Família hosts conference “Maria, estel del matí, a la Sagrada Família i en el món d’avui”
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On 15 December, the conference “Mary, morning star, at the Sagrada Família and in the world today” was held at the Sagrada Família at 7:00 pm.
This conference looked at Mary, mother of God, what she represents for the world today and how Gaudí portrays her at the Sagrada Família.
The conference featured physician and theologian Sister Margarita Bofarull i Buñuel of the Society of the Sacred Heart, Faith and Culture delegate of the Archdiocese of Barcelona, and Dr Jordi Faulí, head architect of the Sagrada Família. The event was moderated by Sagrada Família Rector and Canon of the Barcelona Cathedral Mons. Turull.
The two helped us learn about and understand all the symbols implicit in the story of the Mother of Jesus.
The conference was just one of the events to commemorate the inauguration of the tower of the Virgin Mary.