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Sagrada Família celebrates Sant Jordi inviting people to visit, with special participation of elderly

The Sagrada Família offered a special way to enjoy this day with a series of activities.

180 people took a guided tour the eve of Sant Jordi

The Temple offered the chance to visit the Basilica for free outside the normal hours

Sagrada Família wins 2022 Maths and Society Award for use of technology for star on tower of the Virgin Mary

Foundation Ferran Sunyer i Balaguer presented the award at the ceremony held on 22 April

Art installation to commemorate Sant Jordi.

200 elderly members of the community took part in the workshop

Eastertide at the Sagrada Família

The events scheduled included Palm Sunday Mass, the Easter Concert, the palm-frond workshop and liturgical celebrations

Easter liturgical celebrations at the Sagrada Família

Palm Sunday and the EASTER TRIDUUM