


espacio 1

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espacio 1

Asset Publisher

"Sent la Creu" mass at Sagrada Família

It was held on 6 March, the first Sunday of Lent

Sagrada Família hosted ordination of five new priests

It was held on 27 February at 5:00 pm

Sagrada Família reopens school visits

Bookings can be made from 24 February by email

Star on tower of the Virgin Mary to be lit up every day

It will start on Thursday, 24 February 2022 and the hours will vary each month

Sagrada Família joins good causes illuminating Nativity façade

This year there will be three illuminations for different diseases

6,000 people visited the Sagrada Família for free for Santa Eulàlia.

The visits were on 12 and 13 February between 3:00 pm and 6:00 pm

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