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angle-left Information session on the Sagrada Família Social Action Fund

The Junta Constructora del Temple Expiatori de la Sagrada Família is opening the first call for the Social Action Fund on 18 December 2023. It will provide joint funding for social projects run by organisations in the third sector. The Social Action Fund has earmarked €2.3 million for this call.

The Sagrada Família Social Action Fund was established with a clear dedication to serving the most vulnerable individuals and groups within the Archdiocese of Barcelona. It is based on three pillars: community, geared towards those who make it up, excluding no one; equity, so we all have the same opportunities; and solidarity, which is the human value that pushes us to act to build a better society: a society that is more humane, more just and more solidary.

To explain the rules and scope of the call, on 12 December Mr Xavier Martínez, General Director of the Basilica of the Sagrada Família, and his team will give a presentation at Col·legi d’Economistes de Catalunya (Plaça de Gal·la Placídia, 32). They will also answer any questions afterwards.

Anyone interested in attending can sign up with The session can also be streamed live using the following link:

The legal rules for this call are available at