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angle-left Sagrada Família carillon returns to ordinary-time repertory

The carillon at the Sagrada Família is once again playing pieces for the ordinary time, after the end of the liturgical season of Advent and Christmastide on 13 January, when a special repertory could be heard. This was the second time the tunes in this repertory were heard at the Temple, as the pieces for the carillon were updated in late 2017.

Galdric Santana, architect, musician and creator of musical instruments, selected and arranged the songs.

The carillon is a musical instrument made up of a series of bells, each with a different note. The instrument is played with a special keyboard connected to the bells by wires that are pulled when the keys are pressed.  The Basilica doesn’t currently have a carillon, although installing one is part of a musical project the Temple will study once it is completed. So, the sound heard is a recording played on four speakers in the lift shaft on the Passion façade.

The pieces in the ordinary-time repertory are:

9:00 Sol solet
10:00 Sardana històrica de Breda
11:00 Goigs del Roser de tot l’any
12:00 Campanes del Parsifal + Virolai (Rosa d’abril)
13:00 Sonata dels gegants de Reus (versió històrica)
14:00 La pastoreta
15:00 Cançó de pandero
16:00 L’emigrant
17:00 Mossèn Joan de Vic
18:00 Muntanyes regalades
19:00 Pastoret, d’on vens? / El gegant del pi
20:00 Àliga de Sant Ferriol (Olot)
21:00 El pardal